Ron Croonenberg wrote:
I think the problem is that I read the lines in PHP, I read them with
fgets and output them with printf.

So the php "interpreter" never gets to see the line.

the apache doesn't parse php output, so it doesn't happen there either.

So..  I figured..  I either had to parse it in php myself OR convince
the apache server to parse it for me.

This is exactly where the problem lies. Apache isn't serving the page to PHP. PHP is just reading the file from the filesystem. What you might try is having PHP fopen() the url to the server/file. This way, apache will parse the SSI and spit out what it needs, then you can read the file anyway you like.

understand that php reading a file from the file system, is different then your browser calling to a server/webpage and having Apache serve the page back to the browser.

Jim Lucas

    "Perseverance is not a long race;
        it is many short races one after the other"

Walter Elliot

    "Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
        and some have greatness thrust upon them."

Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
    by William Shakespeare

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