
I'm trying to compile an extension for Postgre support which I will either
load in the php.ini or use the dl() function.

Both methods fail right now. The dl() function gives me verbose though.

I compiled the module like this:

./configure --with-apache=/usr/local/Apache/apache_13 --with-pgsql=shared

I entered the php_4.0.5/modules directory. I see two files pgsql.so and

I copy both to /usr/local/lib (where my libs sit as specified in php.ini).

I restart the server and I get an error saying a shared library (libpq.so.2)
cannot be found.

I went to /usr/local/pgsql/lib and copy libpq.so.2 to /usr/local/lib.

Now I get the following error:

Warning: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/pgsql.so' -
/usr/local/lib/pgsql.so: Undefined symbol "zend_ini_boolean_displayer_cb" in
/public_html/inc/mainfile.php on line 3

Whats the deal with this? I am compiling right? Should php have produced a
different libpq.so.2 file elsewhere?


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