IMHO, one of the main attractions of open source software is that the
creators themselves are easy to contact. Getting a question answered by a
company usually involves talking to customer service, who gets an answer
from a supervisor, who asked the lead of the programming department, who
asked the guys in charge of the parts of the code your asking about, who
read through some internal documentation and maybe the code itself, to get
the answer.

With open source your questions are usually answered by someone who actually
works on the code itself. And sometimes the people who actually 'invented'
the product are the one's you're talking to!

To me, that's just really cool. It's the main attraction to open-source and
small companys for me; you get to talk to the people in charge. Suggest
something good and it may get done. It's like being really rich without
being able to buy anything. ;)

Which is precisely why it's wise to treat everyone in the community with an
equal level of respect, because you're already talking to the people in

The PHP Group, Zend, and individuals like Rasmus control what PHP will and
won't support. None of them do it on there own. There are no real dictators
who control the flow of PHP's future, which is how open-source is suppose to


"Frank Joerdens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Mon, May 21, 2001 at 01:55:10PM +1000, Greg Wright wrote:
> [ . . . ]
> > IIRC Rasmus was one of the main people involved in bringing PHP to life,
> Well, if anyone can be said to have invented it, it's Rasmus. At some
> point around 96 (?) he was approached by Zeev and some others who
> suggested to recode what was then PHP/FI from scratch. The outcome was
> PHP 3.0 . . . shouldn't someone write a history of PHP?
> A little anecdote I keep telling is that back in '97, when I asked my
> very first question on this list, it was answered within less than half
> an hour by the mighty Rasmus himself! Having worked with M$ stuff mostly
> up until then if felt, wow, this is like, I post to Microsoft and get an
> answer from Bill within the half-hour! I was undecided then as to which
> scriptiong environment to go for. This won me over.
> Cheers,
> Frank
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