
on 01/11/2008 06:03 PM Richard Heyes said the following:
>> If you have your sendmail equivalent program properly configured, no
>> SMTP connection is used when queueing messages using the sendmail
>> program.
> What about when you take into consideration this program could be
> sending 1000's of emails, say, 100 per SMTP connection?

That is even worse. Keep in mind that the SMTP server of sendmail or
equivalent MTA, ends up calling the sendmail program for each individual
message that it receives.

It is the same operation, except that you are communication directly
with the sendmail program with pipes when you use mail(), and when you
use SMTP it uses SMTP connection that triggers sendmail program calls to
actually queue the message instead of attempting to to deliver it.

The bottom line, if you use qmail, postfix, or sendmail configured to
queue the messages (instead of attempting to deliver them) you will
always be much faster queueing messages.

Just watch out your server disk space and CPU when you are attempting to
deliver too many messages.


Manuel Lemos

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