
I read the part about what "." does and it didn't even register that it
won't match newlines.

Well now that part works ;)

And now one more bit. For instance to kill an onclick event I use:

 $file = preg_replace("#<(.*)onclick=\".*\"(.*)>#isU", "<\\1\\2>", $file);

Which works, kinda. Problem is, consider this:


It's not caught, because it only catches double quotes. How best can I say I
want code which is between single quotes, or between double quotes, without
it choking on something like: onclick='somecode("thisiswhereitwouldstop")'?

Should I just copy the regex to another line and replace single quotes with
double quotes, thus doing two searches rather than trying to do it all at
one time?

"Christian Reiniger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
On Monday 21 May 2001 16:23, Plutarck wrote:

> Since there is a "/" in the code itself, I use "#" as a delimiter
> instead so I don't have to escape it, making it harder to read.
> So here's the code:
> $file = preg_replace("#<script.*>.*</script>#Ui", "<!-- RWW: Scripting
> killed -->", $file);

Stupid error (noticed this after trying for ~10 minutes...):
Add the "s" modifier. Otherwise "." doesn't match newlines.

Christian Reiniger
LGDC Webmaster (

Error 032: Recursion error - see error 032

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