Thanks Rasmus,
hope a stable Apache 2.0 comes out soon.

I have done some tests few minutes ago and discovered that eRuby is much
slower then PHP.
While might still have some advantages.

This is how I tested it:

ruby.php // with PHP
<html><head><title>PHP example</title></head><body>

<?for($i=1; $i<10; $i++) {?>
  <li>number <?=$i?></li>

<h1>Environment variables</h1>
<?foreach($HTTP_SERVER_VARS as $key=>$val) {?>


ruby.rhtml // with eRuby
<html><head><title>eruby example</title></head><body>

<%(1..10).each do|i|%>
  <li>number <%=i%></li>

<h1>Environment variables</h1>
<%ENV.keys.sort.each do |key|%>


As you can see this is a sample of a very basic functionality.

It took 4 times longer to generate the page for Ruby.
(tested by eyes)

However, Ruby here was running as CGI. I believe the performance would be
better under mod_ruby.

Just for the reference in anyone else cares. (and to avoid some PHP vs


 Maxim Maletsky
 Founder, Chief Developer (Where PHP Begins)

-----Original Message-----
From: Rasmus Lerdorf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2001 1:38 PM
To: Maxim Maletsky
Cc: 'PHP General List. (E-mail)'
Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP & RUBY

Well, sort of by definition you can't do this.  You can't have multiple
mime types mapping to the same extension.  And even if you could, Apache
can only have one content-generating phase.  Anything that generates
content will send it back to the client.  With Apache2 it will be possible
to layer multiple content filters on the same request.


On Tue, 22 May 2001, Maxim Maletsky wrote:

> Hello gurus,
> does anyone know a way to make PHP and RUBY running together (parsing both
> the same file) ?
> This is what I tried to do:
> httpd.conf:
>       AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
>       AddType application/x-httpd-php .html
>       #Action application/x-httpd-php "/php/php.exe"
>       AddType application/x-httpd-eruby .rhtml .html
>       Action application/x-httpd-eruby /cgi-bin/eruby
> as you can see PHP runs as apache's module and Ruby as CGI,
> It works fine for .rhtml files (with ruby), but when I give them the same
> file extension to parse only Ruby works, PHP shows the source.
> I know this a wrong try, well, still a try. Has anyone tried to do the
> Any success in any way?
> There are some things I'd like Ruby to do while processing PHP files.
> Sincerely,
>  Maxim Maletsky
>  Founder, Chief Developer
> (Where PHP Begins)

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