On Tue, January 22, 2008 1:40 am, Ronald Wiplinger wrote:
> What is a good tool to coordinate a team of programmers efficiently?
> To give each one a different part of the project is a start, but it
> needs to
> get combined at some points to be a working project.
> Not to debug code you have written was a hint, to see actually bugs as
> a bug
> and not as a feature.
> Some hinted let programmer be on different places, others say put them
> together on a big table, ...
> Where can I find more information about that subject?

As far as code management and combining goes, I'd put it in subversion
and have it combined from the beginning.

No last-minute "gotchas" at the integration phase.

Subversion will handle the minor file-to-file multiple developer issues.

On the large scale, documenting what works how is the best idea -- And
having it in writing, clear and crisp, with the person writing the
code involved in the creation of the documentation.

You may also want to look into "unit testing" and "test-based
development" since the idea there is to write some simple code tests
to define what the code should do, then code to the test.

It may be bad to teach to the test, but coding to the test will
probably save you a lot of grief.

Some people have a "gift" link here.
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I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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