Hi tim,

Change this:

>       mail($toaddress, $subject, $mailcontent, $fromaddress);

mail ($toaddress, $subject, $mailcontent,
      "From: Real Name <$fromaddress>\nReply-to: $fromaddress\n");

> I've spoken to the hosting company, they say they will not provide any 
> assistance to PHP script related problems.  They are running on Solaris 
> servers with PHP 3.0.16.

1) Get a new hosting service, since they seem uninterested in your 
   continued business.
2) Tell them to use a PHP that was built *after* the fall of the Roman 
   Empire. 3.0.16 is old. It's not even the last PHP3 build. (And if they
   say its hard, well gee, we have PHP4.0.5 running on Solaris).


Jason Murray
Web Developer, Melbourne IT
"What'll Scorpy use wormhole technology for?"
'Faster pizza delivery.'

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