""Dan Joseph"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 1:40 PM, Tony Marston 
> wrote:
>> You haven't answered the question. Where can this piece of wizardry be
>> downloaded so that it can be reviewed by your peers?
> I didn't originally want to get in the middle of a fist fight, but I've 
> been
> reading this all day, and I really have to ask...
> What in the world is wrong with you?  Did you get picked on by the kids in
> the science club always saying their framework was better than yours?
> You seem to be arguing that your framework is the only one that anyone
> should use, and is capable of getting the job done.

If you bother to read what I have written you will see that I have ever made 
any such claims. I have simply been answerng the  questions "what is a 
framework" and "what are the benefits of using a framework"

> You based this claim on
> a senseless argument that you can build a table and generate some page to
> handle it in under 5 minutes.

I am saying that using a framework will allow you to create components much 
quicker than not using a framework for the simple reason that you don't have 
to keep writing code to reinvent the wheel - you reuse code that is provided 
within the framework.

>  Who cares?  Do you know what a framework really is?

Actually I do. I have been developing software over three decades in three 
different languages. I have used many frameworks written by other people, 
but I have always been far more productive using framedworks which I have 
written myself.

>  Is it solely a means by which to build an application in as
> little time as possible?

There are two parts to a framework - (a) the ability to generate new 
components, and (b) providing a runtime environment with which to run those 

> Many on the list are saying "We wrote our own, we don't like or want to
> use the ones out there."  Think about the reasons...  We have applications
> we build internally that either (1) the frameworks can't get done, or (2)
> the frameworks are way overkill.

I agree that finding the right framework to use can be very difficult, which 
is why a lot of programmers (like me) prefer to roll their own. But if you 
can find an off-the-shelf framework that does the job it can save you an 
awful amount of time.

Tony Marston

> You are essentially arguing the same point
> that everyone else is.  You've just isolated it to Radicore.  Do you even
> realize that?

I know nothing, I'm from Barcelona!  :)

> -Dan Joseph
> "Build a man a fire, and he will be warm for the rest of the day.
> Light a man on fire, and will be warm for the rest of his life."

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