At the risk of extending this already looong thread...

Ah, screw it.

I actually read all of the Radicore documentation on Monday following
someone's suggestion last week about module access control. That was
before this thread got started, BTW. Now I'm not a Framework guy at
all, and I don't know nor have ever communicated with Tony, but I was
very impressed with the level of sophistication and conceptual
richness of the Radicore Framework, his insight and solutions for
common issues such as users hitting the 'browser back button' and
having multiple, open instances of a web page, differentiation in
usage of GET and POST, and session management in particular.

I'm happy to entertain and play along with threads that drift into
meta-topic struggles, but honestly, let's not lose the forest for the
trees. There's good stuff in Radicore, as I'm sure there are in some
other frameworks.



When the power of love
overcomes the love of power,
the world will know peace.

-Jimi Hendrix

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