2008/6/23 Boyd, Todd M. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> I do not know French nor German, so I can only guess that means "cannon
>> snacks"?
> Cannon fodder is an informal term for military personnel who are regarded or 
> treated as expendable in the face of enemy fire. The term is generally used 
> in situations where soldiers are forced to deliberately fight against 
> hopeless odds (with the foreknowledge that they will suffer extremely high 
> casualties) in an effort to achieve a strategic goal. An example is the 
> trench warfare in World War I. The term may also be used (somewhat 
> pejoratively) to differentiate infantry from other forces (such as artillery, 
> air force or the navy).
> The term derives from fodder - food for livestock - however in this case 
> soldiers are the metaphorical food for cannons.

I hate to say this, but I am expendable. If that's what it takes to
keep my country and my family safe, myself and many other men would
quickly rise to take the fire. The only other real option is artillery
and the Air Force, neither of which can perform the precision work
that we do. Our enemy is hiding among civilians, and our job is to
protect civilians. Whether those are Israeli, Lebanese, or Palestinian
civilians does not matter.

> Shamelessly lifted that from Wikipedia. But yeah, you're right. It was also a 
> fantastic video game in the style of Warcraft/Command & Conquer, but before 
> its time.

I am not familiar with the game, sorry.

Dotan Cohen


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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