On 8/8/08, Andrew Ballard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've not had to upload such large files over HTTP, so forgive my
> ignorance, but on the request end isn't the only difference between
> PUT and POST the verb used in the request (and the intent of the
> operation)? What can you do with PUT that cannot also be handled the
> same in POST? I don't see any implementations doing it, but from what
> I can tell the spec allows you to use Content-Range in the request
> headers that your client sends to PUT/POST the same way the server
> sends them in the response headers when serving a GET request.

POST sends mime-encoded
PUT is raw (AFAIK)

It's basically file exchange friendly. People usually say "HTTP isn't
for files, FTP is" but that's a whole other can of worms especially
when you're accepting uploads from -anyone- you have to implement a
wacky two-step process, ensure people know how to use FTP, blahblah.

Using PUT you can do pure file uploads, have smart clients that tell
the server where to resume, it's not mime encoded (so not extra
bytes), it can be processed as a web request via PHP, it can be done
over SSL for security ...

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