---- Dan Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Hi All,
> This is more of a logic/opinion question...  I want to get some fresh ideas.
> I am working on a system to manage quotes and orders.  I have many users,
> all different levels, and want to secure pages based on active session, user
> level, and then go as far as putting access keys on a given page to only
> give it access to those people with the key can access the page.
> I'd like to know what others are doing from a logic stand point.
> I've gone as far as creating a couple tables:
> SecurityKeys
> - SecurityKeyID
> - KeyName
> - KeyLevel
> - IsActive
> SecurityKeysAssigned
> - AssignedID
> - EmployeeID
> - SecurityKeyID
> Would anyone suggest a different strategy to the database portion?  Maybe
> additions or subtractions to the tables?
> Also, how would go about implementing them the key system?
> Again, I am looking for some opinions or experiences anyone has had doing
> this.

I have a quote system I developed many years ago.

It uses Sessions and sets the pricing per other defined rules in the table on 
the products.  I have set percentages so that someone who doesn't get the deals 
gets the full price and each deal after that gets tweaked.  When updating the 
product you can either set the price point for the rest, or set the percentages 
and the forms do the work.

You use the sessions and check to see if active.  You have a temp table that 
runs while people are "shopping" and the quotes/orders are saved with the 
date,time,userID and tied in the DB to the user so that I easily get a set of 
links to them.


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