2008/10/17 Nathan Rixham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Evening All,
> I'd be /really/ interested to know who uses what!
> *Procedural or OOP?*

OOP but sometimes i have to procedural.

> *Dev OS*

Gentoo Linux

> *Dev PHP Version*

PHP 5.2.6-pl7-gentoo with Suhosin-Patch

> *Live Server OS*


> *Live Server PHP Version*

I don't know. 5.2.x

> *Which HTTP Server Software (+version)?*

Apache 2.2.x

> *IDE / Dev Environment*

Eclipse PDT or vim

> *Preferred Framework(s)?*

Zend Framework

> *Do you Unit Test?*

not yet.

> *Most Used Internal PHP Class*


> *Preferred OS CMS*

Drupal, but i don't like it.

- -
--  Csanyi Andras  -- http://sayusi.hu -- Sayusi Ando
--  "Bízzál Istenben és tartsd szárazon a puskaport!".-- Cromwell

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