*Procedural or OOP?*
I try now to do everything OOP, its just worth spending the extra time (depending) going the OOP route even on small tasks

*Dev OS*
Mac OS X 10.5.5

*Dev PHP Version*

*Live Server OS*
Gentoo linux (not sure version)

*Live Server PHP Version*
5.2.5 (haven't upgraded it, i've been lazy)

*Which HTTP Server Software (+version)?*
apache 2.2

*IDE / Dev Environment*
Zend Studio for eclipse, macvim

*Preferred Framework(s)?*
Zend Framework

*Do you Unit Test?*
None my of current projects, but future stuff i'm really going to push for it.

*Most Used Internal PHP Class*
pdo, mysqli

*Preferred OS CMS*
none really

*Anything else you use frequently in you're PHP'ing that's worth mentioning:* Have to say using eclipse/zend for eclipse with mylyn/tasktop really helps in keeping up with bug tracking (trac) with all my projects. Helps to keep everything organized, especially when management wants to know what's going on. SVN is also crucial and its nice to have commit hooks
to work with trac.


On Oct 16, 2008, at 7:14 PM, Nathan Rixham wrote:

Evening All,

I'd be /really/ interested to know who uses what!

*Procedural or OOP?*

*Dev OS*

*Dev PHP Version*

*Live Server OS*

*Live Server PHP Version*

*Which HTTP Server Software (+version)?*

*IDE / Dev Environment*

*Preferred Framework(s)?*

*Do you Unit Test?*

*Most Used Internal PHP Class*

*Preferred OS CMS*

*Anything else you use frequently in you're PHP'ing that's worth mentioning:*

ps: I'm not asking for any kind of research project, just interested and interested to know what's most common + might learn something/ find some new tools/toys!

pps: will reply myself as well but if I do here it'll make your intertwined replies messy!

Many Regards


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