At 10:49 PM +0000 11/17/08, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
So just trolling here, but do conditional comments in HTML make it a
programming language? :p

Why not?

Sure, it's a mark-up language but if you don't program it right, it will screw up -- it's just more forgiving than most. Also, CSS is a programming language and it doesn't have any conditional branching other than browser hacks. If you think either of those two are not languages, then I think you're underestimating their power.

I think the division between what is/isn't a computer language is somewhat blurred today as compared as to what it used to be.

I remember we had the types who said that if you weren't programming on a mainframe, then you weren't programming. Others said if it's not compiled, then it's not a real application either. Both statement were equally lame.

There has always been (probably always will be) those who want to separate people into different camps based upon their opinion -- but so what? Who cares? I don't.

Over the years, I've had an assortment of clients who knew nothing about computer languages, but insisted on a specific language because of their limited understanding. I even had one client where I provided the end application that did everything he wanted, but he refused to consider it because if was written in a language that his friends thought too basic. Yes it was BASIC, but it worked better than the C++ crap that his programmers eventually developed two years later.

My position -- give me a problem and get out of my way while I solve it. Some clients have problems with that and other don't. The ones that don't usually get a better product.




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