Ian Lin wrote:
> hi I have been searching for a way to get the php mail function to work and 
> have had no luck. I was hoping you could address my situation:
> I have a fairly new xampp install and I need to know how to get mail() to 
> work. I would like to know tha simplest way possible to get the mail function 
> to work. I guess the major problem is that my xampp install doesn't have an 
> email server. please advise my what I need to do to get one for a linux box.
> Please keep in mind that I am a newbie and need detailed instructions for 
> installing any software and configuring any files that may need altered in 
> the server's configuration files such as php.ini etc...
> email me at linia...@yahoo.com if you can help.
> Thanks,
> Ian

Why is it a requirement to use mail() ??  Why not use a package like phpmailer 
or some such email lib?

Jim Lucas

   "Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
       and some have greatness thrust upon them."

Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
    by William Shakespeare

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