WTF? Isn't it the Gaza government (Hamas) that chooses to build
rockets instead of buying food for it's citizens? So long at Hamas is
in charge both the Gaza residents and the Israelis will suffer. Let's
hope this finally roots them out for good.

By the way, of the 400+ killed in Gaza, about 70 were civilians. A
six-to-one ratio of terrorists:civilians really is not that bad,
especially considering that the Hamas hide among the civilians. Hell,
they take kids with them, crying, when they launch rockets just so
that they can say that another kid was killed if they get intercepted.
According to the Geneva convention, it is _Hamas_ that is responsible
for the civilian deaths in Gaza.

By the way, Egypt (who knows better than anyone else in the world)
blames Hamas fully for what has happened in the past week.

Dotan Cohen


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