as far as I know (at least I was told so) html page will download faster then 
the same page made with php getting the same info from mysql, right?

let's pretend we are building php/mysq based website of one football team. 
there are pages of every player, about the team, games etc.
in admin area there is form to enter player's data: first name, last name,  
DOB, place of birth, him number (jersey), previous teams, education,...
we submit data and they are stored in database. and we just did for john doe, 
(id=12345), born on 1986-10-02 in Paris, TX (do you remember nastasia kinski? 

on front end there is list of players and you click on john doe's name and the 
page will show submitted data.

what if we, together with storing john doe data into mysql, create html page 
12345.html with all his data. and actually, when visitor clicks on his name on 
the list of players it will not open player.php?id=12345 then 12345.html?

this page will download faster, right?

downside, depending of type of the website, it could be thousands and thousands 
of pages, but still...?

to edit john doe page, the administrator (in admin area) will pull the data 
from mysql, do the changes and submit new ones to mysql and overwrite 
12345.html page.

now, what's bad with this "structure"? what am I thinking wrong?




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