Tony Marston wrote:
"Stuart" <> wrote in message
2009/1/18 Tony Marston <>:
In case you have forgotten what this thread is about, the OP gave a list of
suggested "improvements" to PHP and asked for opinions. I merely gave my
opinion that these "improvements" would be a waste of time as they would add
nothing to the language (IMHO, of course). How many in this frum have
expressed any support for any of these "improvements"?
That's not the point. You attacked the suggester not the suggestions.
That's all I'm trying to point out. There's a way to disagree in a
reasonable manner.

Anybody who suggests that PHP be changed from dynamic typing to static typing is feeble minded, one brick short of a full load, one sandwich short of a picnic, off his trolley, talking out of the wrong end of his alimentary canal, etc, etc. In my humble opinion, of course.

luckily.. nobody suggested that and the only person who came close was tony himself :D perhaps the phrase "optional type hinting of variables and class properties" is more appropriate ;)

"not be feasible" covers "loss of performance", "loss of BC" and "a whole
bunch of other issues". If the cost of implementing your "improvements" is
not worth the dubious benefit then why should they considered?
Without adequate investigation or comment from people who actually
know about this stuff it's impossible to say whether the costs are too
great to make them acceptable against the benefits.

OO had a massive negative effect on performance, but it still happened
because the benefits greatly outweighed the costs. IMHO all ideas
should be properly considered, regardless of my gut reaction to them.

Statuic typing is unworthy of consideration in a language whch has made its bones from being dynamically typed. In my humble opinion, of course.

luckily.. nobody suggested that and the only person who came close was tony himself :D perhaps the phrase "optional type hinting of variables and class properties" is more appropriate ;)

ground hog day!

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