On Sun, 2009-01-18 at 23:09 +0000, Nathan Rixham wrote:
> Török Alpár wrote:
> > I see a problem with this. Scalars are automatically casted by PHP based on
> > a set of rules. In  case of  a scalar type hint, would jo issue an error, or
> > make the automatic type cast?   both approaches have there advantages, but
> > the automatic cast, would go better with the actual features of the
> > language, but in this case, object could also cast an array to stdClass, and
> > i am not sure that's how you imagined it. Besides this i am not against it
> > along as it doens't create implementaion nor performance problems, and this
> > problem is solved.
> I see what you mean with the casts; and a very good point on why scalars 
> aren't already implemented..
> On the one hand i see scope for a set of primative wrappers (class 
> String, Integer, Boolean etc) which those who wished could use (with an 
> auto cast).
> Whilst on the other hand it could be argued that the current is_xxx 
> functionality could be copied so an integer in a string is still a 
> string, likewise 1 is an integer not a boolean true etc etc.
> defintaly needs some thought and practical examples though.. rfc time 
> one thinks.
> with the specific array example, this is already implemented so no 
> problems there, what is not implemented though is the ability to 
> function(object $obj) which seems strange.
> as for the error, same as it is currently E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR and def 
> not automatic type casting; last thing you want when trying to be strict 
> is anything like that :p

Some of you really need to go trawl the internals archives. This stuff
was discussed in poignant detail about a year or so ago.

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