At 12:35 AM +0100 1/22/09, Jochem Maas wrote:
 >> tedd schreef:
 > Hey, you called me "schreef" and that means "an end of a stroke"
 (Arrggg, that has all sorts of meanings).  :-)

which translation service came up with that?? it is funny though :-)


 > I'm into pointless stuff -- I'm symmetrically challenged. I don't like
 doing anything that can't be undone.

and how many kids do you have :-P

LOL -- but kids shouldn't be undone.


since I left Windows I find it works against me less.

I teach at the local college where they use windows (Vista) and that's the closest I want to come to it. I've always been with Apple (1977 to today).

 > Besides, oddly enough I can understand

    return $t;

 better than

    return strftime('%R', strtotime($t));

now that's plain weird. is it because '$t' vaguely resembles a rock[tm]?

No, it's because I have some old habits. I don't like one line functions. All *my* functions should have enough substance in them for me to understand what they are doing. If I'm going to use a one line function, then why not make it one line and not a function?

I use $t for time stuff, $d for date and so on, but one character variables are usually one-time variables. Similarly I use $i, $j, $k for counters -- a remnant from my FORTRAN days.

When I need a temporary nondescript variable (intermediate calculation), I use $a, $b, $c, and so on.

For more consistent variables I try to be semantic with underscores ($last_name) and camel-case for functions (militaryToStandardTime() ).

It's just a set of old habits that I've applied to various languages.


PPS - I have a little rock with the words "the ball is round" carved into it?
not your work by any chance?

No, mine had only "1" or "0" carved into it -- we called that documentation back then.




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