tedd wrote:
> At 9:56 AM +0100 2/16/09, Jochem Maas wrote:
>> for any reasonable number of items my tests show tedd's version
>> pisses on McKenzies from a great height (note that I actually
>> optimized Mckenzies variant by halfing the number of calls to
>> strtotime()).
> ROTFLOL.   <-- I seldom say that!

Haha!  Yes, I was trolling and got a good one from Jochem!  I would say
> From a great height!!! Now that's funny!

Too funny.  I'll have to remember to work this in to some conversation
today at work.  ;-)

>> I added a third variant, as a sort of control, which runs pretty
>> much on par with tedd's version but uses rather less LOC
>> (tedd you might like it as a little example of using array_multisort(),
>> i.e. a way of avoiding writing the double foreach loop in this case)
> The speed of the sort doesn't matter at all. The maximum number of data
> that needed to be sorted in my problem would have been 126 (18 different
> times for 7 days).
> I only presented part of the problem here. It was a distilled version of
> the problem I was working on, which was to allow people to enter times
> that they were available for tutoring in two hour chunks.
> So, a person might say they were available from 7:00 am to 9:00 am AND
> also state that they were available from 7:30 am to 9:30 am, which was a
> "no-no".
> Having two loops allowed me to check after converting to seconds AND
> sorting to see if there were any overlaps. In such case I simply deleted
> the offending data from the array before converting everything back into
> normal time (min:sec).
> Re this post -- all I needed was a push in the right direction. I was
> thinking about sorting, but I didn't even consider converting everything
> to seconds and then sorting.
> That's really all I needed AND another reason why this list is so great!
> Not only did I get a push in the right direction, but I got a good laugh
> out of it -- "from great heights" indeed. :-)
> Thanks and Cheers,
> tedd


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