On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 10:45 PM, Hans Schultz <h.schult...@yahoo.com>wrote:

> Hello,
> I am beginner with PHP and prior to PHP I have worked with java for some
> time
> and with perl for very short period. I can't help to notice some things
> that
> are little annoyance for me with PHP, but I am sure someone more
> experienced
> can help me :-)
> Is there in PHP something like "use strict" from perl? I find it pretty
> annoying to need to run script over and over again just to find out that I
> made typo in variable name.
> Is there some way for PHP to cache some data on the page? I like very much
> PHP's speed but it would be even better to be able to cache some frequently
> used data from database?
> Also regarding databases, I liked a lot java's way of sending data to
> database
> using parameters ("select * from user where username = ?" and then passing
> parameter separately with database doing necessary escaping and
> everything).
> Is there something like PHPDBC similar to JDBC?
> TIA,
> Hans
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I have no ideea why my response from half an hour ago was not sent, but here
it is again:

1. Error reporting set to show notices, warnings and errors. See

2. For caching you can use memcache. See http://www.php.net/memcache

3. These are called prepared statements. See


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