
I think what you are looking for is static Header Footer and dynamic
One way of doing this is by having the front controller pattern

For example : consider the following list of files in your application


In the front controller Pattern we usually have a only one file referenced
all eth time and most of the times it is Index.php

The code of your index.php file would be something like this

require_once "header.php";

require_once $_GET['r'].".php";

require_once "footer.php";

once this is done. To access any of the above mentioned files your URL will
be like this

index.php?r=1000 or index.php?r=2000 or index.php?r=1001 etc....

The code given above is just the start point and is not secure enough and
had a Code injection threat. 
However I think this is enough to get you started.
You can do more research on what is Code Injection and how to avoid it.

From: Shawn McKenzie [mailto:nos...@mckenzies.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 9:05 AM
To: php-general@lists.php.net
Subject: [PHP] Re: Question about template systems

Shawn McKenzie wrote:
> Matthew Croud wrote:
>> Hello,
>> First post here, I'm in the process of learning PHP , I'm digesting a
>> few books as we speak.
>> I'm working on a content heavy website that provides a lot of
>> information, a template system would be great and so i've been looking
>> at ways to create dynamic data with a static navigation system.
>> So far, using the require_once(); function seems to fit the bill in
>> order to bring in the same header html file on each page.
>> I've also looked at Smartys template system.
>> I wondered how you folk would go about creating a template system ?
>> My second question might be me jumping the gun here, I haven't come
>> across this part in my book but i'll ask about it anyway.  I often see
>> websites that have a dynamic body and static header, and their web
>> addresses end like this: "index.php?id=445" where 445 i presume is some
>> file reference.
>> What is this called ?  It seems like the system i'm after but it doesn't
>> appear in my book,  If anyone could let me know what this page id
>> subject is called i can do some research on the subject.
>> Thanks for any help you can provide :)
>> Matt.
> I have written a popular theme/template system for some CMS systems.  In
> my opinion, templating is only needed for those that are totally
> ignorant of the concept of programming languages in general.  It helps
> for those designers that know HTML or they export their graphics as HTML
> and know enough to modify it or add some simple tags like {post-date} to
> HTML.  That's it!  No loops, no ifs, nothing.  Simple things
> designers/users can add that represent some complex code, queries, etc...
> PHP IS a template language.  You can easily separate your logic and
> design/display using PHP.  Anything more than abstracting some complex
> code to some simple var is overkill.  If you want to display a dropdown
> of categories, and the code needed is a database query and some PHP
> logic, etc., then it makes sense in my above scenario to do this in code
> and then assign the result to a template var like {categories-dropdown}
> that the designer/user can use in the HTML.  Other than that its just
> Smarty and similar template approaches just take PHP (but more limited)
> and make it look slightly different.  Anyone who doesn't know or want to
> know anything about programming will not see the difference between PHP
> and Smarty.  Consider the following:
> PHP: <?php echo $somevar; ?>
> Smarty: {somevar}
> //oh except in your PHP you have to do the following
> //$smarty->assign('somevar', $somevar);
> //$smarty->display('some.tpl');
> PHP: include('header.tpl');
> Smarty: {include file="header.tpl"}
> Don't even get me started on loops and conditionals.  Smarty just
> replicates PHP, except it looks slightly different and is much less
> powerful.  If you are confused with:
> if ($something) {
>       echo "Some stuff...";
> } else {
>       echo "Some other stuff...";
> }
> Why is this better:
> {if $something}
>     Some stuff...
> {else}
>     Some other stuff...
> {/if}
> Like I said earlier, if you have some complex code that you can reduce
> to a simple tag or something that a designer can insert into HTML then
> great.  If not then it is just unsuccessfully trying to replicate PHP!

Actually, I forgot myself and the alternative syntax:

    echo "Some stuff...";
    echo "Some other stuff...";

Hardly different...


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