Chris wrote:
> PJ wrote:
>> And again, this works:
>> if (strlen($_POST["first_nameIN"]) == 0 ) {
>>             $obligatoryFieldNotPresent = 1; ...
>> this does not:
>> if (strlen($_POST["first_nameIN"]) > 0 ) &&
>> (strlen($_POST["last_nameIN"]) > 0 ) { echo $first_nameIN, " ",
>> $last_nameIN);
>> else (echo "error";)}
>> But, $first_nameIn and $last_nameIN do echo their contents without the
>> if clause and we see that the first if clause does work... what am I
>> doing wrong, again?
> Firstly please learn to indent your code (I don't care if this is just
> an example of your code, make it easier for everyone who's trying to
> help you). It's much easier to read this:
> if (strlen($_POST["first_nameIN"]) > 0 ) &&
>    (strlen($_POST["last_nameIN"]) > 0 ) {
>       echo $first_nameIN, " ", $last_nameIN;
> } else {
>   echo "error";
> }
> If you want help we're not going to spend a long time reformatting
> your code to try and understand it.
My apologies. Sometimes, I get all excited and don't pay attention. I'll
change, promise...
> Now to the problem.
> Are both first_nameIN AND last_nameIN longer than 0 chars?
> var_dump($_POST['first_nameIN']);
> var_dump($_POST['last_nameIN']);
> maybe you only filled in first_name or last_name but not both.
echo $first_nameIN, " ", $last_nameIN;
Prints out the whole name - without the if clause; and I've tried
several variations of ifs - none work.
Maybe there is something I don't understand about 'first_nameIN' and
but $first_nameIN    = $_POST["first_nameIN"];
has been declared beforehand.

unheralded genius: "A clean desk is the sign of a dull mind. "
Phil Jourdan ---

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