On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 11:34 PM, Lamp Lists <lamp.li...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> ________________________________
> From: Marc Steinert <li...@bithub.net>
> To: Lamp Lists <lamp.li...@yahoo.com>
> Cc: php-general@lists.php.net
> Sent: Monday, April 13, 2009 11:27:08 AM
> Subject: Re: [PHP] try - catch is not so clear to me...
> Basically try-catch gives you the ability to handle errors outside a class
> or method scope, by the calling instance.
> This comes in handy, if you are programming in an object orientated way and
> thus enables you to seperate error handling from the rest of your
> functionality.
> Means, your methods do only the things, they are meant to do, without
> bothering to handling occuring errors.
> Hope, that made things clearer.
> Greetings from Germany
> Marc
> Lamp Lists wrote:
> >>  hi to all!
> >>
> >> actually, the statement in the Subject line is not 100% correct. I
> understand the purpose and how it works (at least I think I understand :-))
> but to me it's so complicated way?
> >>
> -- http://bithub.net/
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> My Twitter feed
> http://twitter.com/MarcSteinert
> Looks like I still didn't get it correctly:
> try
> {
>    if (!send_confirmation_email($email, $subject, $content))
>     {
>        throw new Exception('Confirmation email is not sent');
>    }
> }
> catch (Exception $e)
> {
>     send_email_with_error_to_admin($e, $content);
> }
> why am I getting both emails? I'm receiving confirmation email and email
> with error message - that I'm supposed to get if the first one is not sent
> for some reason?!?!?!?
> thanks for any help.
> -LL

what does this function [send_confirmation_email($email, $subject,
$content)] return?



Cat, the other other white meat

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