Hi there, I’ve made a fetch_obj and, as stated on some sites, it returns a anonymous object where the properties will have the name of our columns database. However, when I do this, I notice that instead of giving me the column names
as they are typed on the DB I get them uppercase. So, when my database field
is “id_dog” to retrieve the property properly I have to search for “ID_DOG”
Why is this? Is this a normal behavior? Thanks a lot,

I have just dumped an object using var_dump retrieved with pdo fetch object method:

object(stdClass)#3 (4) {
 string(1) "1"
 string(1) "1"
 string(6) "120014"
 string(2) "26"

and it seems quite normal to me. Try to see your table info using:

describe `tablename`;

To see what are your table's fields .

Try to include more info about your system, php version etc in case you reply. It will help us to help you.


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