
on 05/11/2009 12:25 PM Thodoris said the following:
> This script seems to work ok in a freebsd development server I have but
> a linux production machine breaks the subject's encoding for some
> unexpected reason. The subject has a mix of English and Greek characters
> that FreeBSD seems to handle like a charm.
> Both machines have the same php version (5.2.9) and the scripts encoding
> is UTF-8. Iconv and mbstring are configured the same way in php.ini
> (although I am not aware whether phpmailer uses iconv or mbstring).
> Has anyone had a similar experience? Is it possible that sendmail (which
> is the underlying tool) breaks the mail encoding?

I am not sure what you mean by breaking the mail encoding. I use the
MIME message class and it works perfectly with any encoding, even
multibyte character sets. Take a look at the examples test_email_message
and test_multibyte_message.php .



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