Okay I've been trying to do file uploads on a server that is in safe mode
(not my choice) I was able to get around the safe mode by doing:

$path = "images/$filetitle$user$filesuff";
if (is_uploaded_file ($form_data)) { move_uploaded_file
(addslashes($form_data), $path); }

And it worked, so now people can upload files ... but I also want them to be
able to delete files so I tried:


Nope, can't do that in safe mode...

Okay maybe I can just move the files into a trash folder, then empty it
myself every week or so:

$chmoderror = chmod ($imageloc, 0777);
$filename = strstr ($imageloc, '/');
$trashpath = "trash$filenamec";

Nooooo I get an error:

Unable to access trash/200107072306491.gif in
p3 on line 97

Is this safe mode? or am I doing the file move all wrong?


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