> -----Original Message-----
> From: Allen McCabe [mailto:allenmcc...@gmail.com]
> Sent: 06 August 2009 20:20

> It was working wonderfully, until I wanted to display "test of
> $newComment"
> as a comment.
> [code]
> comment("test of $newComment");
> [/code]
> This rendered a comment that said "test of ".
> So I added a \ before the $ to make it display properly, but I was
> wondering
> if there was a way that the function could work so that it will
> display
> anything you type within the quotes in comment(" ").

You've already been correctly pointed at single quotes, but the other answer to 
this is "No", because parsing of escape sequences and interpolation of 
variables are done before the resultant string is even passed to the function 
(in the case of escape sequences, *long* before -- before your script even 
starts executing!).


> After noticing that I MUST escape the dollar sign for it to display
> a
> function name in a comment, I tried the following:
> [code]
> function comment($commentText = "empty comment")
> {
>  $healthy = "\$";
>  $yummy   = "$";
>  $newComment = str_replace($healthy, $yummy, $commentText);
>  echo '<br><br><font color=#bbbbbb>Comment:</font><br>';
>  echo '<font color=#bbbbbb><i>'. $newComment .'</i></font><br><br>';
> }
> [/code]

This won't work for the reason noted above. The \ character is never stored in 
your string -- it's there just to tell the PHP parser to treat the following $ 
as a literal $, not the start of a variable name. It's important to understand 
that escape sequences in general store a character in the string that is not 
what you see in the script -- so \$ stores just the $, \t stores a tab 
character, and so on. (And, of course, \\ stores a single \.)

Hope this helps you understand why what's happening is happening ;)


Mike Ford,
Electronic Information Developer, Libraries and Learning Innovation,  
Leeds Metropolitan University, C507, Civic Quarter Campus, 
Woodhouse Lane, LEEDS,  LS1 3HE,  United Kingdom 
Email: m.f...@leedsmet.ac.uk 
Tel: +44 113 812 4730

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