On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 01:00:19PM -0400, Bob McConnell wrote:

> From: Ben Dunlap


> > 
> > http://codeigniter.com/
> > http://framework.zend.com/
> > http://www.solarphp.com/
> While I have not looked at the last two, there is one thing that bothers
> me about your recommendation of codeigniter. Authentication is a basic
> function that should be used for any web site with interactive features.
> There is such a universal need for this function that there should be
> several packages available to provide it. But I believe that telling
> someone to adopt a complete portal system like CI just to get basic
> authentication is gross overkill. There has to be a better way to
> provide this core functionality without installing a monster package
> that will be 95% superfluous to their needs.
> Yes, I have installed codeigniter. I am still trying to figure out why I
> would want to use it.

Moreover, I'm using CI right now, and as far as I know, it does *no*
user authentication. I had to write my own routines, using their session
class to save the user data.


Paul M. Foster

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