On 09-Jul-01 Steve Edberg wrote:
> Here's one way:
> $dir = opendir('.');
> unset($FileList);
> while ($file=readdir($dir)) {
>       if($file!= '.' && $file != '..')
>       {
>       $FileList[] = $file;
>       }
> }
> sort $FileList;
> reset($FileList);
> while(list(, $F) = each($FileList)) {
>       echo "$F<br>\n";
> }
> If you're using PHP4, you can replace everything after the 
> sort($FileList) with the more compact:
> foreach($FileList as $F) { echo "$F<br>\n"; }
> See
>       http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.sort.php
> for more info on sorting arrays.
>       - steve
> At 1:05 PM -0500 7/9/01, kmurrah wrote:
>>I need to read the contents of a directory, sort it alphabetically, and
>>display it ....
>>i'm doing find on the reading and displaying, but can someone help me with
>>the sort?
>>$dir = opendir(".");
>>while ($file=readdir($dir)) {
>>      if($file!= "." && $file != "..")
>>      {
>>      echo("$file<br>");
>>      }
> -- 
> +------ Factoid: Of the 100 largest economies in the world, 51 are ------+
>| Steve Edberg                           University of California, Davis |
>| [EMAIL PROTECTED]                               Computer Consultant |
>| http://aesric.ucdavis.edu/                  http://pgfsun.ucdavis.edu/ |
> +--- corporations ------ http://www.ips-dc.org/reports/top200text.htm ---+
> -- 
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