Daevid Vincent wrote:

> Out of curiosity, if this is just for coding, and you're already a Linux
> guy, why not just install a lightweight linux flavor on the laptop
> instead of WF/XP?

This is a rather prehistoric (Windows 98 era) laptop, a Compaq Armada 
1700 with 266 MHz CPU. Somewhere along the way it was rescued from total 
uselessness when it received a RAM upgrade from 64 to 192 MB. It has been 
lying on a shelf in my study for years.

It does run Linux and I tried several distros. There are certainly 
lightweight window managers that I could live with too (like BlackBox). 
But running Firefox within those limited capabilities is really too much 
to ask. Firefox has obviously become a memory hungry, slow starting 
beast. Another annoyance would be the cooling fan: to keep it from 
blowing non-stop at full force I would have to compile and consequently 
maintain my own 2.6 kernel (something peculiar about this specific laptop 
that is never going to be fixed in Linux). Then someone told me to try 
"Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs" and I was pleasantly surprised. It 
is about as fast as or perhaps even faster than Windows 98 ever was and I 
am running both IE8 and Chrome. Not super fast but quite usable, must 
only remember not too open too many tabs in either browser.

I could certainly throw the old laptop away, buy a new(er) one that can 
run any software. But somehow I find it satisfying that with only a few 
adaptations I can still use an almost 10 year old computer and not miss 
out on too much modern frills. I guess I am eccentric like that.

Also, it is not for daily use. I have two desktop computers and a server 
for that. This is for when I have to go by train or something.

Essentially it is just an extra plaything.

Speaking of playing: it doesn't play Youtube videos, just chokes on them. 
Oh well. Hope your curiosity is satisfied ;)

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