On Mon, 2010-01-18 at 12:20 +0000, Max Zimmermann wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> I have chosen this list because my problem is related to one particular
> style of php installation. At least I think so.
> I'm running php 5.2.11 and plesk 9.2.3, php through fastCGI.
> My problem is that, since error_log is unset, php passes on any errors
> to the webserver (-handler). This fills up my logs with hundreds of
> MBytes of Notices every day, even though error_reporting is set to 6135
> (notices shouldn't be logged).
> So error_reporting appears to be ignored when error_log is unset and php
> is run through fastcgi. Any idea how I can fix that?
> I unfortunately can't change error_log to the appropriate path, because
> the fastcgi user doesn't have access to the log directory...
> Here is an example log:
> [Mon Oct 26 00:57:52 2009] [warn] mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Notice:
> Undefined offset: 1 in
> /srv/www/vhosts/XXXX/httpdocs/
> x3/inc/shopstat_functions.inc.php on line 82
> Thanks so much in advance,
> --
> Cheers,
> Max
> GNU/Linux - User #477672
> PGP: 0x6C29B594

I believe that the reporting level is only used for errors displayed in
the browser window, not to the ones that are logged.

If you're having your error logs fill up with errors, this isn't an
issue with PHP but the coder! It is obviously more than a few errors,
unless your website has millions of visitors each day triggering the
same error, but which is more likely a scenario?!

I'd advise fixing those errors, even the warnings, as warnings are often
a prelude to a logic problem somewhere in the code.


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