On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 12:42 PM, Paul M Foster <pa...@quillandmouse.com>wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 10:06:26PM +1100, clanc...@cybec.com.au wrote:
> > I am trying for the first time to use cookies. The manual contains the
> > statement "Cookies
> > are part of the HTTP header, so setcookie() must be called before any
> > output is sent to
> > the browser."
> >
> > When I first started using sessions, I was alarmed to read a very similar
> > statement about
> > sessions, but I soon found that if I started my program with the
> statement
> > "session_start();" I could then set up, access, modify or clear any
> session
> > variable at
> > any time in my program. This is enormously useful, as I can put the
> session
> > handling at
> > any convenient point in my program, and can precede them with diagnostics
> > if I need to.
> >
> > However I have almost immediately found that while I appear to be able to
> > read cookies at
> > any time, I cannot set them when I would like to. Is there any similar
> > trick which will
> > work with cookies? If I really have to work out what they should be,
> > and then set them up,
> > before issuing any diagnostics, etc, it will make life decidely more
> > complicated. (I
> > assume that I can set several cookies using successive calls to
> setcookie()?)
> Session variables are available throughout your session. Cookie
> variables are only available if you read them into variables you can
> access. Changes to session variables will the flushed to the server when
> your page is terminated. Cookie variables are flushed to disk if you
> make the appropriate *_cookie() function call, and even then I don't
> know if this is actually echoed to disk until your page is terminated.
> >
> > I was also somewhat surprised to find that a cookie is used to implement
> > sessions. Does
> > this place any limitations on using both sessions and cookies in the
> > same program?
> I don't believe so. If I'm not mistaken, session values are stored on the
> server, not on the client. What's stored on the client is the session
> ID.
> Please bear in mind my understanding of cookies is fragmentary, and I
> hope someone else will write in to correct any incorrect statements I've
> made.
> Paul
> --
> Paul M. Foster
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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> I was also somewhat surprised to find that a cookie is used to implement

> sessions. Does

> this place any limitations on using both sessions and cookies in the

> same program?

There shouldn't be any issue.  By default, PHP uses a cookie named
PHPSESSIONID to associate a particular visitor with their corresponding
session data stored server-side.  So, just be sure not to use a cookie

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