I am trying for the first time to use cookies. The manual contains the 
statement "Cookies
are part of the HTTP header, so setcookie() must be called before any output is 
sent to
the browser." 

When I first started using sessions, I was alarmed to read a very similar 
statement about
sessions, but I soon found that if I started my program with the statement
"session_start();" I could then set up, access, modify or clear any session 
variable at
any time in my program. This is enormously useful, as I can put the session 
handling at
any convenient point in my program, and can precede them with diagnostics if I 
need to.

However I have almost immediately found that while I appear to be able to read 
cookies at
any time, I cannot set them when I would like to. Is there any similar trick 
which will
work with cookies? If I really have to work out what they should be, and then 
set them up,
before issuing any diagnostics, etc, it will make life decidely more 
complicated. (I
assume that I can set several cookies using successive calls to setcookie()?)

I was also somewhat surprised to find that a cookie is used to implement 
sessions. Does
this place any limitations on using both sessions and cookies in the same 

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