On Fri, 2010-01-22 at 03:47 +0100, Jochem Maas wrote:

> Op 1/22/10 2:28 AM, Ryan Park schreef:
> > Forgot to reply all.
> > 
> > You can see that it's in the middle of the sql statement.
> > It looks fine here but some how it breaks during the query.
> > 
> > <?php
> > mysql_connect("localhost", "adminID", "password") or die(mysql_error());
> > echo "Connected to MySQL<br />";
> > 
> > mysql_select_db("databasename") or die(mysql_error());
> > echo "Connected to Database<br />";
> > 
> > $sql = "INSERT INTO xe_modules (module_srl, module, module_category_srl,
> > layout_srl, menu_srl, site_srl, mid, skin, browser_title, description,
> > is_default, content, open_rss, header_text, footer_text, regdate) VALUES
> > ('135', 'bodex', '0', '53', '0', '0', 'free', 'xe_default', '자유게시판
> > ', '', 'N', '', 'Y', '', '', UNIX_TIMESTAMP());";
> you need to:
> 1. have some understanding of char encoding and character sets.
> 2. define you DB[tables] to use a collation that supports the stuff you want 
> to enter.
> 3. you need to connect to the DB with a suitable charset (google 'SET NAMES')
> 4. you need to make sure the data you are putting into your queries is in 
> that same charset.
> basically you need UTF8 - be prepared for some pain and a lot of reading in 
> order
> to get to grips with these concepts, I've personally found that encoding, 
> charsets et al
> are not the easiest things to one's head round.
> > 
> > mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
> > 
> > mysql_close();
> > ?>
> > 
> > On 1/21/2010 5:19 PM, Jim Lucas wrote:
> >> Ryan Park wrote:
> >>   
> >>> Hello I'm currently trying to use PHP to insert foreign characters
> >>> into one of the mysql database tables.mysql_query() worked
> >>> seamlessly, but when I check the inserted data on phpMyAdmin it shows
> >>> the foreign characters in broken letters, like this ì‹œíŒ<-
> >>> jibberish...The foreign characters show fine when I'm typing it out
> >>> on my editor to code PHP, but it gets broken into unrecognizable
> >>> symbols when put into mysql database columns.
> >>> I tried to create the same thing this time through phpMyAdmin console
> >>> and it worked great, the foreign characters showed correctly as they
> >>> should.The column that I'm trying to put the foreign characters into
> >>> is set as utf8_general_ci.I wish to use PHP to insert the data into
> >>> the database because I'll be inserting massive amounts of them at
> >>> once, so I just can't continue with this problem at hand.
> >>> I'll greatly appreciate any help, thank you.                        
> >>> _________________________________________________________________
> >>> Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free.
> >>> http://clk.atdmt.com/GBL/go/196390709/direct/01/
> >>>      
> >> How about showing a little of the insert code.  ie: how you are
> >> gathering the
> >> data, how you are preping the data, and the actual insert statement.
> >>
> >>    
> > 

You're also forgetting one of the most important elements of this. If
you're displaying the characters on a web page, chances are that you
need to add a corresponding meta tag to inform the browser that the
content is utf-8

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>

Otherwise the browser will attempt to guess from the first few
characters of output, and because of the large headers in some websites,
will guess completely wrong.


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