On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 2:06 PM, Nathan Nobbe <quickshif...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 2:05 PM, Christoph Boget <cbo...@hotmail.com>wrote:
>> I executed the following test script several times.  Each time, in a
>> separate terminal window, I ran "touch bob.txt" after the script started
>> echoing out.  After the script completed, I deleted bob.txt.  During each
>> execution, not once did bob.txt show up in the output.  This makes me
>> believe that the file collection that DirectoryIterator is going to work
>> with is set at instantiation.  If that's the case, it makes little sense
>> to
>> me that you are unable to get the size of that collection from the
>> DirectoryInterator object.
>> <?php
>>  $dirList = new DirectoryIterator(MY_DIR);
>>  foreach($dirList as $file )
>>  {
>>    echo $file->getFilename() . '<br>';
>>    flush();
>>    sleep( 1 );
>>  }
>> ?>
> in that case you would likely need to expose something extra from the C
> layer.

fwiw.., a quick peak at the code reveals the following:

. in the DirectoryIterator constructor it looks like the directory is
iterated at the C level

/* {{{ proto void DirectoryIterator::__construct(string path)
 Cronstructs a new dir iterator from a path. */
SPL_METHOD(DirectoryIterator, __construct)
    /* .... */
    spl_filesystem_dir_open(intern, path TSRMLS_CC);
    /* .... */
/* }}} */

. this iteration is implemented in some php stream code, but it looks like
some internal C structures are tracking the file count

PHPAPI int _php_stream_scandir(char *dirname, char **namelist[], int flags,
php_stream_context *context,
              int (*compare) (const char **a, const char **b) TSRMLS_DC)


    /* im pretty sure this is where the number of files is stored .. */

    int nfiles = 0;

    /* read rest of function in main/streams/streams.c */


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