> -----Original Message-----
> From: clanc...@cybec.com.au [mailto:clanc...@cybec.com.au] 
> Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 6:09 PM
> To: php-general@lists.php.net
> Subject: Re: [PHP] Creating an Entire .html page with PHP
> On Mon, 25 Jan 2010 18:31:54 -0800, deal...@gmail.com 
> ("deal...@gmail.com") wrote:
> >
> >On Jan 25, 2010, at 6:23 PM, Shawn McKenzie wrote:
> >
> >> file_put_contents() is soooo much easier.
> >
> >Thanks Shawn I'll check that out ...
> >
> >- I see it says : This function is identical to calling fopen(),  
> >fwrite() and fclose() successively to write data to a file.
> >
> >
> >my newbie brain likes that!
> >
> >
> >Thanks,
> >deal...@gmail.com
> >[db-10]
> In principle this is extremely simple. Take your existing 
> procedure to generate the page
> then:
> 1. $page = '';
> 2. Replace every echo 'whatever'; statement with $page .= 
> 'whatever';, and every <html>
> with $page .= '<html>';
> 3. file_put_contents($page,$file) // The manual is down 
> (again!) and I have forgotten the
> format.
> 4. echo( file_get_contents($file));  // to generate the PHP page.
> However I strongly suspect that it is possible to simply 
> redirect all the 'echo's in your
> existing procedure to write to $page (or $file?), without 
> changing the code at all. Is
> this so?

First of all writing pages in this old fashioned .cgi sort of way is so
1990's. Concatenating your whole page to a giant string is silly and
defeats the benefits (and purpose) of using PHP.
I'm actually in the process of porting a HUGE site from that style to a
more sane MVC and PHPish way right now. It makes me cringe every day I have
to look at 'old' code.

But instead of doing the above stuff, I suggest you look into this awesome


I use it to create a weekly email that can be displayed online and then use
another script to email said HTML email to users.

    include "/home/foo/public_html/weekly_email.php";
    $message = ob_get_contents();

    $message will not contain all the output that weekly_email.php had

Adapt as needed to 'render' your page and store it in your $page variable
if you absolutely must do that style of coding. ...and God help you, as
it's a nightmare to work with.


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