Eric Lee wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 9:00 AM, Shawn McKenzie <>wrote:
>> Mari Masuda wrote:
>>> Has anyone ever successfully used php://memory before?  If so, what
>>> can I do to use it in my code?  Thank you.
>> No, but I was intrigued to try it, so I tested this:
>> $text = 'Some text.';
>> file_put_contents('php://memory', $text);
>> echo file_get_contents('php://memory');
>> And it returned nothing.  The docs suck on this and it apparently
>> doesn't work.  I see others use it with fopen(), but there is no mention
>> of which file functions it works with and which it doesn't.
> Shawn
> I did a sample test from the manual with fopen like this,
> <?php
> $fp = fopen('php://memory', 'r+');
> if ($fp)
> {
>     fputs($fp, "line 1\n");
> }
> rewind($fp);
> echo stream_get_contents($fp);
> ?>
> console output
> F:\wc\trunk>php -f m.php
> line 1
> Regards,
> Eric,

So maybe it only works with an open file/stream resource? Hard to tell
with no docs.


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