On 8 February 2010 19:32, Brian Dunning <br...@briandunning.com> wrote:
> Hey all -
> I'm selling a custom PHP solution to FileMaker users. It uses FileMaker's PHP 
> API, so everyone who has FileMaker Server is already set up to use it, but 
> very few of them have any knowledge of how to set up a server or do anything 
> PHP related. But I do want to add some level of code obfuscation to prevent 
> them from making simple changes to my code that allow them to exceed the 
> privileges they've purchased.
> I've looked at custom code encryption services like Ioncube and phpCipher, 
> but in my estimation, deploying the needed server-side code for these is 
> going to be beyond the capabilities of a large segment of my customers. I 
> would rather have a few customers cheat me than offer a product that most 
> customers are unable to figure out how to run.
> So I was thinking of doing something like base64_encoding the crucial chunk 
> of my code (maybe 20 lines worth) and using 
> eval(base64_decode($that_content)) to run it. I figure that will scare away 
> most of the customers who might be able to edit my code. Can anyone suggest 
> something that goes one better?
> - Brian
> --
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For simple obfuscation, then maybe making a PHAR app may be of use here.


Richard Quadling
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