On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 9:29 PM, Robert Cummings <rob...@interjinn.com>wrote:

> Rick Dwyer wrote:
>> Hello List.
>> I need to parse the PATH portion of URL.  I have assigned the path
>>  portion to a variable using the following:
>> $thepath = parse_url($url);
>> Now I need to break each portion of the path down into its own  variable.
>>  The problem is, the path can vary considerably as follows:
>> /mydirectory/mysubdirectory/anothersubdirectory/mypage.php
>> vs.
>> /mydirectory/mypage.php
>> How do I get the either of the above url paths broken out so the
>>  variables equal the following
>> $dir1 = mydirectory
>> $dir2 = mysubdirectory
>> $dir3 = anothersubdirectory
>> $page = mypage.php
>> ...etc... if there were 5 more subdirectories... they would be
>>  dynamically assigned to a variable.
>>  Thanks for any help.
> <?php
> function my_parse_url( $url )
> {
>    $parsed = parse_url( $url );
>    $parsed['file'] = basename( $parsed['path'] );
>    $parsed['pathbits'] = explode( '/', ltrim( dirname( $parsed['path'] ),
> '/' ) );
>    return $parsed;
> }
> $url = my_parse_url( 'http://foo.fee.com/blah/bleh/bluh/meh.php' );
> print_r( $url );
> ?>
> Cheers,
> Rob.
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Clean and lean, Robert ;)  Nice!


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