On Sat, 2010-07-17 at 09:35 -0600, The Doctor wrote:

> Quick question, ho easy is this?
> -- 
> Member - Liberal International        This is doc...@nl2k.ab.ca Ici 
> doc...@nl2k.ab.ca
> God, Queen and country! Never Satan President Republic! Beware AntiChrist 
> rising! 
> http://twitter.com/rootnl2k http://www.facebook.com/dyadallee
> Australia!! Vote to throw the REpublicans to the sharks!

Not sure exactly what you're after, but PHP and Javascript don't run in
the same place (PHP is all on the server and is never seen by the
browser) so some things just won't translate.

Having said that, PHP is far more powerful, and anything Javascript can
do calculation-wise, PHP can do faster.

So to answer your question, some things like only updating part of the
page won't be possible without Javascript, but on the whole you should
be able to work round that. As for how easy it is, well, as you've not
said what it is you want to convert, there's no way to tell how easy it
would be.


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