On Aug 6, 2010, at 8:08 AM, tedd wrote:

> At 10:10 PM -0400 8/5/10, Rick Dwyer wrote:
>> 2nd question, in the 3 [2] lines below:
>> $checkstat = "select field from table where fieldid = $field_id";
>> $result1 = @mysql_query($checkstat,$connection) or die("Couldn't execute 
>> query");
>> If I were to recode in the latter style, should they not look like this:
>> $checkstat = 'select field from table where fieldid = "'.$field_id.'"';
>> $result1 = @mysql_query($checkstat,$connection) or die('Couldn\'t execute 
>> query');
> Rick:
> Others gave you good advice on quotes, but I'll address your second question 
> on database queries.
> The following is in the form of what I normally do:
> $query = "SELECT field FROM table WHERE field_id = '$field_id' ";
> $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Couldn't execute query");
> Please note these are my preferences (others may have different preferences):
> 1. I use UPPERCASE for all MySQL syntax.
> 2. I do not use the @ before mysql_query because that suppresses errors. I 
> prefer to see errors and fix them.
> 3. It's not necessary to include the second argument (i.e., $connection) in 
> mysql_query.
> 4. IMO, a query should be named $query and a result should be named $result. 
> If I have several results, then I use $result1, $result2, $result3, and so on.
> 5. I try to match MySQL field names to PHP variable names, such as field_id = 
> '$field_id'. This makes it easier for me to read and debug.
> 6. Also note that the PHP variable $field_id is enclosed in single quotes 
> within the query.
> 7. For sake of readability, in the query I also place a space after the last 
> single quote and before the ending double quote, such as field_id = 
> '$field_id' ". -- I do not like, nor is it readable, to have a singledouble 
> quote (i.e., '").
> There is one additional thing that I do, but it requires an included 
> function. For your kind review, in my query I do this:
> $result = mysql_query($query) or die(report($query,__LINE__,__FILE__)));
> and the report function I include to the script is:
> <?php
> //====================  show dB errors  ======================
> function report($query, $line, $file)
>   {
>   echo($query . '<br>' .$line . '<br>' . $file . '<br>' . mysql_error());
>   }
> ?>
> That way, if something goes wrong, the report function will show in what file 
> and at what line number the error occurred. Now, this is OK for development, 
> but for production you should comment out the echo so you don't report errors 
> publicly. Besides, you should have all the errors fixed before your script 
> becomes production anyway, right?  :-)
> HTH,
> tedd

        Well said!  I pretty much follow those same standards as well.  
Especially with the naming of variables to match field names.  I also make sure 
that any form field names match my database names.  It makes updating and 
inserting records so much easier!  I've written a database class that allows me 
to update and insert records as easily as this:

And, yes, I do sanitize the data to make sure it doesn't do bad things to my 
database! :)

Take care,

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