Here are the results I got when question of migration from apache to nginx
was brought up:
(BTW there is some FPM in main PHP distribution now)

As for resource management, I recommend looking at php sources
(Zend/zend_alloca.c:zend_mm_shutdown() specifically) and building a custom
extension that frees discarded memory resources on your request or timer or
sth else. Not sure if it is possible like that but this is just a
suggestion, don't quote me on that :)
Also, for such questions I recommend you to join php-internals mailing list,
it seems more appropriate.


On 15 September 2010 04:19, J Ravi Menon <> wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 1:15 PM, Per Jessen <> wrote:
> > J Ravi Menon wrote:
> >
> >> On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 12:43 AM, Per Jessen <> wrote:
> >>> J Ravi Menon wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Few questions:
> >>>>
> >>>> 1) Does opcode cache really matter in such cli-based daemons? As
> >>>> 'SomeClass' is instantiated at every loop, I am assuming it is only
> >>>> compiled once as it has already been 'seen'.
> >>>
> >>> Yup.
> >>
> >> Just to clarify, you mean we don't need the op-code cache here right?
> >
> > That is correct.
> >
> >>>> 2) What about garbage collection? In a standard apache-mod-php
> >>>> setup, we rely on the end of a request-cycle to free up resources -
> >>>> close file descriptiors, free up memory etc..
> >>>> I am assuming in the aforesaid standalone daemon case, we would
> >>>> have to do this manually?
> >>>
> >>> Yes.
> >>
> >> So 'unset($some_big_array)'  or 'unset($some_big_object)' etc.. is the
> >> right way to go for non-resource based items? i.e. it needs to be
> >> explicitly done?
> >
> > It's not quite like C - if you reassign something, the previous contents
> > are automagically freed.  I use unset() if I know it could be a while
> > (hours) before it'll likely be reassigned, but it won't be used in the
> > meantime.
> >
> Thanks Per for clarifying this for me. Now on my follow up question:
> [Note: I think it is related to the issues discussed above hence
> keeping it on this thread but if I am violating any guidelines here,
> do let me know]
> One reason the aforesaid questions got triggered was that in our
> company right now, there is a big discussion on moving away from
> apache+mod_php solution to nginx+fast-cgi based model for handling all
> php-based services. The move seems to be more based some anecdotal
> observations and possibly not based on a typical php-based app (i.e.
> the php script involved was trivial one acting as some proxy to
> another backend service).
> I have written fast-cgi servers in the past in C++, and I am aware how
> the apahce<---->fast-cgi-servers work (in unix socket setups).  All
> our php apps are written with apache+mod_php in mind (no explicit
> resource mgmt ), so this was a concern to me.
> If the same scripts now need to run 'forever' as a fastcgi server, are
> we forced to do such manual resource mgmt? Or are there solutions here
> that work just as in mod_php?
> This reminded me of the cli daemons that I had written earlier where
> such manual cleanups were done, and hence my doubts on this
> nginx+fast-cgi approach.
> thx,
> Ravi
> >
> >
> > --
> > Per Jessen, Zürich (14.6°C)
> >
> >
> > --
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