If you have a shell account on the box, or if you have a similar box
yourself, you can build the curl extension as a standalone curl.so and
simply dl() it from your script.


  ./configure <your regular configure flags> --with-curl=shared

You should then see modules/curl.so which you can dl()

You can get your server's regular configure flags from a phpinfo() call on


On Sun, 15 Jul 2001, Daniel Baldoni wrote:

> G'day folks,
> We've got a web-application ready to install and everything looks okay except
> that the client has chosen Hosting4all as their web-hoster.  They
> (Hosting4all) don't have a version of PHP linked with cURL and we need to
> process credit card information.  Again, the client has chosen a payment
> processor and, as expected, secure-HTTP is required.
> All fair enough - the payment script has been written and works on our
> servers.  Of course, it'll fail dismally on Hosting4All's servers.
> My question is...
>       Is anybody on this list hosting an e-commerce site with Hosting4All?
>       Or, has anybody had any experience with the "Miva Engine" which
>       Hosting4All provide "free of charge" (i.e. as part of the
>       subscription fee)?
> Any help would be much appreciated.  Thanks in advance.
> Ciao.

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