On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 11:30 AM, Ashley Sheridan
<a...@ashleysheridan.co.uk> wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-10-21 at 10:25 -0400, Daniel Brown wrote:
>> Hey, Folks;
>>     Just a gentle reminder after watching things get worse by the day:
>> it is one of the rules of this and all official php.net mailing lists
>> that you must not top-post.
>>     For anyone wondering just one of the reasons why we have this rule
>> in effect, tab through this thread in the archives:
>>         http://www.mail-archive.com/php-general@lists.php.net/msg262390.html
>>     See how disastrous and headache-inducing it looks?  You wouldn't
>> put code together looking like spaghetti thrown at a wall and smashed
>> into the carpet, especially knowing your clients and peers would see
>> it, would you?  It's a very similar situation here: your every word is
>> being recorded in literally hundreds of places simultaneously,
>> preserved as educational and professional reference material for
>> current and future developers --- and not just in the PHP programming
>> language, but in computer programming in general, as theories lend
>> themselves to apply to other situations as well.  Many of you take the
>> time out of your busy schedules to voluntarily impart knowledge on
>> people of varying degrees of skills and abilities, which is beyond
>> commendable; so why not take just a couple of extra seconds to show
>> pride in your participation, lead by example, and continue to set the
>> bar high, rather than simply settling for the quickest Twitter-like
>> "R/T" to a post?  ;-P
>>     The ultimate goal here isn't to start a flame war (or even any
>> further discussion on the subject for that matter), but to point out
>> that this is a RULE of the official community here, not a PREFERENCE.
>>     P.S. - Those of you who have been around for years will likely
>> recall with some fondness the level of respect, participation, and
>> quality of discussions this list once had; the degree of mutual
>> respect and camaraderie was palpable.  If you're wondering if those
>> days have really diminished into little more than granular memory,
>> it's not just you --- check the following graph for some rather
>> disturbing evidence:
>>         http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.php.general
>> --
>> </Daniel P. Brown>
>> Network Infrastructure Manager
>> Documentation, Webmaster Teams
>> http://www.php.net/
> I always bottom post when I'm replying from my computer, but when on the
> move or at work, I'm only left with my Android, and the default email
> client doesn't allow reply positioning of any sort, so it's always
> top-posting :(
> Does anyone know of any decent email clients for Android that allow
> bottom posting that you maybe use or have had experience with?
> Thanks,
> Ash
> http://www.ashleysheridan.co.uk

iphone has the same problem. Cutting and pasting is the only way that
i have of dealing with it...and I do try to accommodate that when i



Cat, the other other white meat

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