On Oct 26, 2010, at 9:28 AM, Bob McConnell wrote:

> From: TR Shaw
>> On Oct 25, 2010, at 6:46 PM, Daniel P. Brown wrote:
>>> On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 18:38,  <web...@blaettner.com> wrote:
>>>> Is there any other function which checks whether this
>>>> address really exists?
>>>   Of course not!  Can you imagine the implications, insecurities,
>>> and privacy concerns that would be associated with that?  Some
>>> mailservers will confirm or deny if a local address exists, but not
>>> most --- thankfully.
>> Not true or else you would never get mail.
> Of course it's true. Most servers will accept any email sent to a valid
> domain name, then silently discard all messages that don't have valid
> user names, expecting that set to be mostly SPAM. This created a new
> problem where the legitimate senders no longer know when their mail
> didn't get delivered due to a typo in the address.

I don't know about most. If any well respected business did that they wouldn't 
stay in business long. Most servers disable VRFY and users who use spam 
assassin may trash mail that should have been rejected. Its the owner of the 
mailserver's call.  

Except on a spam trap domain, I would never accept mail for invalid users as it 
is a disservice to my clients and their domain's reputation to their 
users/clients. Accepting all and discarding it certainly isn't out of the box 
default behavior nor is it in MAAWG's BCP's nor others either.


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