Using a php search form produces a nil return on any information that is
capitalised within a mysql database; retrieval is fine for non-capitalised
data. Could someone tweak this please? The relevant code I think is as

// Description is a BLOB in MySQL... we need to UPPER the blob
//values to make the search case-insensitive.

        $query = "SELECT C.*, A.surname, A.name, A.surname_prefix, A.id AS user
FROM pbcs_user A, pbcs_join_table_user_app B, pbcs_appointment C        ".

                                "WHERE A.id = B.user_id AND B.appointment_id = 
C.id     ".

                                "AND LOWER(C.description) LIKE 
'%".strtolower($search_for)."%' AND
C.start_time > $start_time AND C.start_time < $end_time ORDER BY
        $result = pbcs_db_query($query);

Melb, Aust.

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